Qail Jamal
Connecting Businesses: Strategic Insights for Scaling and Growth
Qail specializes in connecting businesses with the resources they need to achieve their goals. While serving as Marketing Lead at Sapling Financial Consultants, he worked alongside his team to identify how financial modeling and data analytics services could support companies in scaling, capital raising, and utilizing data-driven insights for growth. Originally from Canada and now based in Tokyo, Qail is excited to bring his experience and collaborative approach to navigating Japan’s bilingual market.
At Sapling, Qail contributed to creating thought leadership content and partnered with organizations such as the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG), Financial Executives International Canada (FEI), Turnaround Management Association (TMA), and GTA Accountants & Finance Network (GTAAFN) to build a strong professional network and share industry knowledge with a diverse range of professionals. He also served on various ACG committees to expand the organization’s reach and facilitate meaningful connections.